
Beholden To None

Monday, November 26, 2012

Make Something Monday, 112612

Happy "Make Something Monday"!! =)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, embracing the truest sense of Thanksgiving... Reflecting on life's many blessings- both big and small- and honoring, as well as expressing gratitude for them... I know I did, and am!! =)

Today, on "Make Something Monday," I am continuing to be actively thankful, especially for life's little things~ especially when they are found in my kitchen's pantry and I can make pretty things with them!! =)  Today's project falls in just that category: Salt Dough Ornaments!  Not only is this activity actually on my "to-do" list for today, but it is made entirely of simple things I already have on hand.

If you're like me, your mind probably reaches back to your childhood at the words 'salt dough'...  While this is definitely a fun craft to do with the littlens in your life (I can hardly wait to be able to share this project with my nieces and nephews!! ;)), today let's focus on the Big Kid fun, shall we?? =oD

So, before I can even think about beginning a new project in the kitchen, I *have* to clean it... Only to make it dirty again, I know, but is it just me, or do your best efforts start with a clean canvas?? ;)

And a bit of music is a must!...

Next, let's gather our supplies.  For this project you will need:

  • flour
  • salt
  • warm water
  • large mixing bowl, measuring cups, and a mixing utensil
  • rolling pin
  • bamboo skewers or straws (something that can make a hole for your ornament's hanger
  • cookie cutters
  • stamps or markers, and whatever you might want to decorate your ornaments)
  • a cookie sheet
  • ribbon or yarn

After a few tries at this, and a bunch of online research, I decided on my favorite ratio of ingredients for the dough- from two wonderful blogs I happily discovered~ here and here.  I was really inspired by both of these articles (as well as the blogs as a whole), and have since taken their guidance and run with it! (It's just not in my nature to simply follow for very long! ;oP )   

The best recipe I have found is:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup table salt
1/2 cup warm water

Now, depending on how big a batch you want, the recipe can easily be altered~ the ratio works both up and down.  In fact, for today's project, I am going to make just a half batch.  This will, depending on the size of your cutters, yield approximately 22-28 ornaments.  

Before we begin, preheat your oven to 200 degrees- or its "warm" temperature setting.  Technically, you can simply set your finished ornaments out to air-dry (which takes a day or so, depending on the amount of moisture in the environment), but if you put them in the oven they are ready to finish decorating in approximately 2-4 hours.  

Now, add all your ingredients, and mix it well- till it is about the consistency of pizza or cookie dough.  I mixed mine by hand (about three-four minutes), but if you have a mixer, please, by all means use it. =]   

Pick out which stamps and cutters intrigue you, and pull them out.  Roll out your dough, and stamp your designs directly on the uncut dough.  Then, use your various cutters to create wonderful shapes and designs.

You can get creative with the "cutters" you use, depending on the effect you are trying to achieve (as you can see I used a shot glass to fit a particular stamped piece).

You can either use color stamp pads when you stamp out the dough, or you can wait to decorate the ornaments until after they are dry.  Each option gives different affects.

Don't forget to use your skewer to add the hole at the designated top of your ornament (and try to keep that in mind with placement of both your stamps and cutters), so you can hang these beauties when they are done! =oD  

After you've made all your cuts, place the ornaments on a (very) slightly oiled cookie sheet, and pop them into the oven...

And in a few hours... The fun continues...

Okay, so how fun and easy is that?!?... Don't you just see yourself making bunches of these?? =)  I know I do... and have! ;)

Okay... Now to fit in a workout and get some dinner... All this creative work in the kitchen has made HUNGRY!! ;oP  heeheeh

Have fun~ and please feel free to show off and share your wonderful salt dough creations! =)
Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower

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