Welcome back to Tithing Tuesday! =)
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Today's worthy cause is all about our four-legged furry friends!! [Say THAT fast ten times! ;oP]"Every dog and cat deserves a decent dinner." ~Freekibble Motto
One of the largest and most-visited animal rescue websites is actually two: Freekibble and Freekibblekat. =) Freekibble was started in 2008 by an 11-year old girl with a need to help the dogs and cats in her local shelter. Mimi Ausland created Freekibble to accomplish that, and has in turn, accomplished so much more. "Today, the Freekibble Network reaches over 500,000 passionate pet-lovers," which brings in excess of 8,000,000 (yes, that's eight million) meals to homeless dogs and cats in shelters and rescues around the country. ...Not too shabby for an 11-year-old girl's dream, huh?!! =oD
When you visit their website, Freekibble has a plethora of fun things to participate in, and a really easy way to help your sweet soul fury pals around the country who are patiently waiting on good, permanent homes. Every day both of the websites has a trivia question (one for the dogs, and one for the cats). And here's the very kewl thing: it does not matter if you get the questions right or if you goof the answer... You still win! Every time someone plays (one time each day for each of the two sites), 10 pieces of kibble is donated... Multiply that by their combined daily average of visitors, which is somewhere around 120,000, and that's a lot of happy pups and kitties! =)
There are also other fun things to see and do while visiting freekibble.com and freekibblekat.com. There are sweet e-cards to send to your pet-loving friends, information on the shelters and rescues helped by Freekibble, and the most adorable slideshows~ for that extra dose of "D'Aaaaawww" you need on those dreary days! ;) Also, when you visit the site, don't forget to sign up for their daily reminder emails, so you never miss a chance to help feed our furry friends! =)
It's easy, fun, and oh, yeah- and it feels good. =)
Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
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