“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”
~Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"
(1) Although it IS officially the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, since the Festival of Lights lasts through next weekend, I will be paying tribute to that side of my heritage and to my many Jewish friends in the next edition of "Symphonic Saturday," =)
(2) This week, two of my Girls (very talented and crafty goddesses) and I were getting prepared for, and then yesterday pimping our wares at, a local Holiday Bazaar this weekend ;) ... SO this week's "Saturday Symphonic" got bumped... and though I did attempt my hand at a mobile version of this post (anyone else trying to take their blog on the road??), I was, sadly, experiencing technical difficulties =/ ... Hence the "Sunday Edition" (see what I did there?? ;oP)...
I was, however, greatly inspired by yesterday's deluge of holiday spirit and tuneage, and I am now excited to share some of my very favorites with you, so here we go...
"Christmas Time is Here" from your favorite and mine, A Charlie Brown Christmas 
"White Christmas", written by Irving Berlin, and sung here by Bing Crosby - from another favorite movie, White Christmas 
"All I Want For Christmas Is You" ~sung by a very talented Olivia Olson, from the wonderful movie Love Actually
...Here's a treat... =)
And for today's Sunday Edition of "Symphonic Saturday" finale,
my favorite Boyz from Indiana: Straight No Chaser
~ this live version always makes me giggle...
AND it's complete with a nod to the Festival of Lights! =))
HOW awesome is that?!?
HOW MUCH FUN ARE THE HOLIDAYS?!?! =oD ...If this doesn't inject the holiday spirit into your heart and soul, ... Well, we definitely need to talk if that's the case! ;oP
What are you always happy to get to hear when the holiday music starts playing all around your world this time of year? =) Leave me a comment, and let me know what some of YOUR favorites are. =)
Merry Christmas!!
Happy Hanukkah!!
And be sure to stop by tomorrow for another fun "Make Something Monday"!
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]
Merry Christmas!!
Happy Hanukkah!!
And be sure to stop by tomorrow for another fun "Make Something Monday"!
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]
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