
Beholden To None

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Make Something Monday, 112112

[Please forgive the technical error that caused this "Monday" post to arrive on Wednesday... I am still working out the newbie-glitches. =)  Just pretend for a few minutes that it is Monday again... I know, that's asking a lot (Mondays are oh-so-fun, aren't they?! ;]), but please bare with me; It'll be worth it! ;oD Thanks! ~"@~>~" ]

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. 


Most Mondays here at Beholden To None/ AmrcnWldFlwr Designs are going to be "Make Something Monday"'s... I am going to run an entertaining [hopefully ;)] tutorial - something crafty, something creative, something fun to Make. =)  

Today, I think I will kick things off with a personal favorite: Paintchip Bookmarks! =)

As a certifiable bibliophile, this one is near and dear to my heart, and they are SO cute, SO easy, and SOO much fun to do!

So here we go:

First, you'll want to gather up all your supplies...

  • paintchips (you can find these at any hardware store)
  • colored and scrapbook paper (or other fun sources of pretty paper like old cards, magazines, calendars, etc)
  • Stamps and coordinating stamp pads
  • markers/colored pencils
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue
  • hole punch
  • ribbon, yarn or string
Choose your paintchip.
Go with what inspires you. Use color(s) you are drawn to~~ this will help you choose what stamps and pretty paper to use with it to complete you masterpiece! =)

Use your paintchip as a template to cut the paper you choose to the right size. 

 In this case, I am choosing to use the same paper on the back and the front ( a rarity for me, actually). I also tend to cut my pieces just a tad "over sized" and then trim them to fit once I have attached them to the paintchip and the glue has dried, just to make sure everything I want covered, is.

Glue the pieces you cut out onto your paintchip in the fashion that you are looking for.
front side

back side

Once you've reached this point, technically you could stop right here, punch a hole and add your ribbon, and enjoy your new book mark! =) It's simple, it's functional, and it's pretty! 

I, however, have never been one for "leaving things be" (which is probably how I got here ;) ), it's just not in my nature! ;oP 
SO, I am going to take it a step further, add a stamp and pretty it up a bit more... =)

Next, you'll want to use a hole punch of your choice to set a hole near the top of your bookmark, to lace your ribbon through. 

In the past, I have used both regular and decorative punches. For this demonstration, I am going to use a regular 'ol office handheld 1-hole punch (ask me how difficult it was to find one of those bad boys!?)... As with the entire project, you can use whatever you've got around to do the job. =) 

Select what yarn, string or ribbon you'd like to adorn at the top of your bookmark, and affix it to complete your masterpiece! 

Voila! Now you have a beautiful bookmark! =0D

    These paintchip bookmarks make wonderful gifts, thank you's, stocking stuffers, card inserts, or keepsakes (you could even hang them on your tree during the holidays! =0D...

    And I love this project because it really can be as simple or as elaborate as you are inclined to Make it.  Even children can have fun with this craft- I think it can be very kid-friendly.

    SOOO~ *HOW* fun is that?!  =oD

    Please let me know what you think, and I would love to see photos of any beauties you create, as well! =)   

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Until next time...
     May your imagination light your way,
    ~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]  

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