I just LOVE the creative process~ with it's inherent fluidity and serendipity...
Don't you?!? =))...
Tuesday's here at Beholden To None were originally going to be a hodge-podge of various articles to include artist features, interviews, critiques, craft fair venturings, giveaways and contests, and product reviews. And THEN a happy accident this morning led me to a wonderful discovery, that has quite literally shifted the entire schedule of this blog. =) The above content will now be found on Thursdays, which I have now traded with Tuesday, as Thursdays were originally set aside for what will now more appropriately be named "Tithing Tuesday." Let me explain...
I had originally wanted to run a weekly spotlight featuring of a charity, cause, or movement that I hold dear or speaks to me, and help spread the word~ a "Pay It Forward" kind of thing. And then this morning, I came across an NPR article that made me stop, take notice, and realize that things here needed to be shifted around a bit, and it needed to start today.
Today, November 27, 2012, is the inaugural celebration of "Giving Tuesday," in the tradition of "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday," but in a much needed counterbalance, in my opinion. The holiday season which is traditionally about giving and goodwill, officially kicks off in a day of giving thanks, on Thanksgiving Thursday, and is then followed by two of the biggest consumer shopping days of the year. Now there is a movement to add one more national day to the calendar, serving as a reminder of what the heart of the holiday season is all about, and as a catalyst for encouraging people to live up to that philosophy as well as helping them find ways that best suit them to accomplish this tenet.
Enter #GivingTuesday...

#GivingTuesday is the brainchild of 92 Street Y, a New York City-based community and cultural institution, creating it as "the day America comes together to give back." The main idea is for communities, companies and organizations, and us as families and as individuals all to do whatever we can, whatever we are able, to give back~ be it through donating monetary resources, time, or knowledge~ because everyone can find some way to help someone else~ everyone. As the #GivingTuesday website mission statement says: "#GivingTuesday™ is a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations."
When you visit the #GivingTuesday site, http://givingtuesday.org, you are able to find a background on the project, its founders, its participating partners, and all the many ways you can spread the message, as well as participate yourself. If you write a blog, own a business presence online, or are at all connected in the social media sphere, they have ways for you to be a part of something bigger than yourself throughout the holidays, and help others to do the same~ and really live the "goodwill toward man" part of the holiday season! =)
Needless to say, I am a big fan of this idea, and of the people organizing the rally to make the holiday season a more authentic and genuine experience by putting giving back, helping those in need, service and goodwill up front and center in our minds. I hope you and yours will stand with me and mine this holiday season and make it the first of many to come squarely centered in generosity and service, where it should be, beginning with #GivingTuesday! =))
And don't forget to support the wonderful founders of this concept, 92|Y, by visiting http://www.92y.org/GivingTuesday and looking around! =)
Imagine what we can accomplish collectively, one person at a time...
Thank you!! =)
Happy Holidays- whatever lights your soul, and however you celebrate it this season!!
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]
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