
Beholden To None

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Hug To Save Us All

The Hug Felt Around the World

I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
~Shel Silverstein


The Power of a Hug

Hugging has, in many areas of the world, become a normal, natural greeting.  A hug is usually a demonstration of affection and emotional warmth, sometimes coming from the of joy or happiness felt at meeting someone or seeing someone that you have not seen in a long time.  A hug can be conversely be given as an indication of support, comfort, and consolation, particularly where words are inadequate or simply don’t come, becoming a superior form of communication when rhetoric cannot measure up to the moment.

I’m a hugger, through and through…  Long lost friend~ and we meet again?  Hug.  Family I saw last week?  Hug!  Family I haven’t seen for awhile?  Big Hug!!  Meeting new potential friend for the first time?  Aaaw, come on~ bring it in…  Although I have noticed that I have tamed myself just slightly in the last few years based on other people’s hug “responses”, I realize now that, “Hey, I gotta be me!” ;)  And I’m a hugger… Always have been, always will be, and I suspect that I have my grandmother to thank for that wonderful gift~ she was the same way, too. =)  Heck, I’m even known for saying that “I don’t shake hands, I hug…”  I’ll even admit that I have a harder time connecting with or trusting someone who can’t or won’t reciprocate a hug.  Now, if a handshake is situation appropriate, alright then, but are there even times when it’s more appropriate to shake hands than to hug, anymore?? ;)

A Hug A Day Keeps the Doctor ~ and The Blues~ Away

Lack of touch on our lives is detrimental to our well being.  We need physical contact to feel connected to something other than ourselves, to feel like we are not alone in this thing called Life.  We especially want for those feelings of connection during times of distress and need.  Hugs are a great way to fill that want, and science even backs that up.  Study after study tells us that hugging not only feels great, but is great for you, too.  Hugging is healing; it has been shown that the act of a good hug can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even boost memory.  Hugging fosters connection and trust.  It relaxes muscles and releases tension.  Hugs teach us about giving and receiving love~ and that the flow of love goes both ways.  In addition, a good hug spurs your body on to release feel-good hormones, improving your mood and creating feelings of happiness.  And the really great news? Both the ‘hugger’ AND the ‘huggee’ receive the benefits.

hugging is good medicine

The Hug That Started a Social Movement

Someone who understands the importance of regular hugs in our lives is “Juan Mann,” a man from Australia that began a campaign offering “Free Hugs” to strangers in a busy public intersection in Sydney.  In this age of social disconnect and lack of human contact, his mission was simple: to brighten someone’s day.  And he did. =)  Many ‘someones’.  In fact, as a result of the original campaign, and the hopeful symbol that triumphed over controversy and political red tape, similar campaigns have been started in communities all over the globe.  You can read more about this journey here and here.  But if you watch the below video, you’ll “feel” what the movement is all about… And I dare you to not cry! =)

It was once said by American author and family psychotherapist Virginia Satir that:


 vSatir- 4 hugs a day

I believe she was on to something there… I know I feel a difference in my very being when I haven’t given or gotten enough hugs for a while.

How about you??  Who have you hugged today?? =)

Until next time...

May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]

P.S. Want to know how I make money blogging about what matters to me??!!  YOU CAN, TOO!! 
Click the picture below, and I'll show you how...

go ALL in whole heartedly

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, 031313: ProjectLife365 Update

Happy Wednesday!! =)

How's your week going??

I recently realized that I have *literally* and officially "lost" a week already this year!! ;oP  ...And as such, missed a week on my PL365 weekly updates. =/  SO, for this week's Wordless Wednesday post, I am going to catch up, so when Sunday rolls around, I will be back on track (hopefully ;oP ).

Okay, SO: [drum roll please...] ~ Week 10 from the lens of my life. =oD

The project is currently in Week 11, so on Sunday, I'll be back to the schedule.  =)
It has been SOOO much fun!

Leave me a comment and let me know if you are doing a photo project (365 or otherwise). =)  How's it going?? 

Have a good (rest of your) week!  
Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tithing Tuesday, 031213: Sevenly's 7 Days of Change

Happy Tuesday! =)

Today's Tithing Tuesday is a two-fer, of sorts. ;)  The same awesome company, two ways to share in the awesomeness! =)

In case you haven't heard of Sevenly yet [where have you been?? ;oP], here's the scoop:

As their tagline says, "One week. One cause."  Sevenly is a company that began in 2011 when two amazing entrepreneurs came together, and with a driving directive to help a new generation become more intentionally generous by nature, said, "If we could help people give, we could get them to care."  =)  Sevenly was born.  Each week, the company features a new charitable organization, and partners with them to help raise money, awareness, and community connection.  For that one week, their artists create beautiful designs and themes for the apparel they sell specifically for that week's cause.  For each purchase made from their website, Sevenly gives $7.00 to that week's charity...  If they sell 1000 Shirts, they give $7000. 

The shirts they sell are not only gorgeous, but also well made and super comfie, too!  I own several, and even the ones I have had for a while now still look great, and have held up well.  And I wear mine a LOT because they ARE so beautiful and stylish AND so comfortable. =) 

Check them out, and make sure you sign up for their email alerts, so you never miss a week's new designs and new chances to help!!

So, Sevenly's "ultimate goal is to help people, fund worthy causes..." and change the world... With all of our help. =)  And they have experience a lot of success so far, raising over $1.5 million dollars for various charities, and starting a huge following on Facebook and Twitter, as well.

Now, Sevenly is taking on the biggest target audience of all- the network television audience.  And they need US~ you and I~ to help them get there.

I don't know about you, but I hate (I don't use that word lightly) reality TV... With a passion!  Between that genre of show taking over the airwaves, and big media feeding off and emulating it, too~ I pretty much have given up on television.  Movies, my Hulu, when I even have time, and when the Pats play ;) is the extent for me these days- that is about it.

But this is an idea I can get behind, and a type of show I would make time to watch.  I'll let Dale Partridge from Sevenly tell you about the cause, the campaign, and the change we can all make for a better world~ together. =)     

Now how about that??  Pretty inspiring, right?!  That's MY kind of "reality TV"... How about you?? =)

If it sounds like something that you would love to be a part of creating and seeing come to light, check out their Indiegogo campaign page to find out how you can.  Contributions start out as low as $5.00.

WoW! =)  LOTS of good stuff, yes??!  I adore everything about this company, and hope this little review has inspired you to check them out too! =)  They are doing great things, and we can all be a part of making this world better and better.  =)

Have you heard of Sevenly, or already own one of their shirts?  Leave me a comment and let me know which one is your favorite so far. =)  And don't forget to please share this with your friends, so they can help, too! =)

Have a great week!!
Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]

Monday, March 11, 2013

Make Something Monday, 031113: St. Paddy's Day Treats

Happy Monday! =)  

Can you believe it's already March??! ;oP ~wOw!

And, for me and mine, March means St. Patrick's Day~ and lots o'green! ;)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, today Make Something Monday is a cute little treat I found online here that you can make with the kids (big *or* small ;] ), and would be great to give as treats!  It's a Hershey's Shamrock! =) 
 Treats for St. Paddy's! =oD 

Here's what you'll need:

  • Hershey's kisses (3 per shamrock)
  • Several pieces of cardstock, construction paper, or scrapbook paper ~ in green shades
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • twine or ribbon

Step 1:  For each shamrock you want, cut a strip of paper: Cut a piece of 9-½” x 1”, and draw notches in pencil (to about halfway up the width of the paper) at 1 1/2" and 8" on one side of the strip, then swing it around and at 4 3/4", draw a slightly thicker notch.  Then make cuts on the lines you've drawn.

Step 2:  You want to "help" your shamrock leaves take form, so slightly (and gently) curl each end with a bone folder, if you have one, or the end of your scissors, if you don't (think ribbon curling).
Work out from the center on each side.
Step 3:  Bend in one side of the strip so that its notch meets the middle notch you cut earlier, and marry them.  You have formed your first leaf. =)

Do the same with the other side. You now have two leaves.

Now set this aside while you work on the third leaf of the shamrock.

Step 4:  Cut out a strip, 6" x 1", for each shamrock you are making.  As in Step 1, you will draw marks to make notches~ this time make marks at 1 1/2" and 4 3/4", both on the same side.  Now, make your cuts.

As you did in Step 2, slightly curl your leaf to help give it form.

Step 5: Bring the ends of your strip together, forming your shamrock's third leaf. Slide the assembly into the middle of your shamrock. 

Yay~ Shamrock! ...We're halfway there, but we're not quite finished...

Step 6: Glue your stems together to create one strong stem. Note: remember that there are three places to glue.

Step 7: Cut three strips, measuring 4" x 3", for each shamrock you are making. 

Score each of your strips at 1”, 2”, and 3” along its length.

Bend the strips at each score, creating a triangle. This triangle will be the home for your Hershey's kisses.

Step 8: Depending on your personal dexterity, you may find this step might work best one of two ways for you:
      Option A: Insert your formed triangles into the leaves of your shamrock. THEN, insert a Hershey's kiss into each of the leaves of your shamrock...
      Option B: Wrap your Hershey's kiss in your triangle, and THEN insert the entire assembly into the leaf of your shamrock (my option). 

Step 9: Here's the fun part: Personalize your St. Paddy's Treats! =)

I have put a pretty little ribbon on mine... 
In the tutorial that inspired this post, the author added a little greeting : “Happy St. Patrick's Day!” =) 
...Let your imagination lead you!

Ta-DAaaaa! =)

How much FUN is that??! =oD I love these little guys!

Please leave me a comment if you made some, too! =) ...And please share the with your friends!

Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]

Sunday, March 10, 2013

ProjectLife365: PL365 Week 9

Happy Sunday!

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.”
Eudora Welty

How's your week been? =)

I've been a little hectic lately, and haven't been here near as much as I would like, and that shows in many ways, not the least of which being that I am behind on my weekly Project Life 365 photo project review! =/

So I will try to catch up this week, but today I will pick up where I left off... Here's Week 9:

 And this little gem ~ #Process~ was featured in the ProjectLife365 Blog's #Daily_Fix... How fun is THAT!?! =oD

Have you shot any great snapshots lately?? ...Leave a comment and let me know! =)

Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]

Friday, March 8, 2013

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance of The United States: A Little History

The Pledge of Allegiance is an expression of loyalty to the U.S. federal flag and to the republic of the United States.  Its original version is attributed to a New Yorker named Francis Bellamy in 1892.  It was published in a children’s magazine, popular at the time and distributed to schools.  The Youth Companion ran the piece as a part of the much anticipated “National Public School Celebration of Columbus Day” that year, a celebration of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas.

The Pledge of allegiance: Form and Fashion

The Pledge of Allegiance, according to The United States Flag Code, “should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.”
As a matter of form, the Pledge was adopted by Congress in 1942, and is ritually recited at the beginning of each session.  In similar fashion, many lower level tiers of government, as well as many private organizations ~ including The Boy Scouts of America~ start their meetings off with this patriotic expression.  Indeed, despite controversy in recent years, the Pledge of Allegiance still begins the school day in many education institutions around the country.


The Pledge of Allegiance: Understanding the Pledge

What does The Pledge of Allegiance actually mean??

The attachment to flag and country is a unique bond that requires a special language of its own.  The original version of the pledge was written in an attempt to instill the concept of American nationalism during a time in the country’s history when in was particularly low.  That version read as such:

Here's the version we know today:

There are many interpretations of not only the evolution of the pledge, but the words themselves, and everyone has their own opinion.  This video of a performance comedian Red Skeleton gave on the subject sums it up quite nicely! =)  Check it out:

What ever your take on the why’s and wherefore’s of The Pledge of Allegiance, one thing is for certain:  it is an amazing tool to not only unite citizens in a common mindset, but also has the ability to evoke powerful emotions, no matter the version.

So, what are your thoughts about the flag, the pledge, and American patriotism these days?  Please feel free to comment below and let me know, and share this with your friends. =)

Until next time…

May your imagination light your way,

~xo~ StacyLynn “@~>~” a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]
Want to learn how I write blog posts about what matters to me and make REAL money online??
CLICK HERE to Copy the 3 Things I Do to Make Money Online. =)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Shop Items, 030213

Happy Saturday!! =)  

How's your week been??

The last couple of weeks have been incredibly hectic, and I apologize for my scarcity here at Beholden To None.  I am making a major move soon- culminating in the realization of a life-long dream- and recently took a 'house-hunting and scouting' trip to get the ball rolling.... My internal clock has been off by at least a week ever since! HA! ;)  Has that ever happened to you??

Anyway, I have been working on new items for the AmrcnWldFlwr Designs shop, however, and wanted to show you a few of the new items I will be listing this week.  =)  So here's a peek:

Well, that's just a little peek into some of the new listings that will be appearing over the next week...  Next week I will also be introducing some pieces from one of my partners in the AmrcnWldFlwr Designs studio, Renee~ so be on the lookout for that, too! =) 

Until next time,
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~StacyLynn a.k.a. AmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]