
Beholden To None

Monday, December 3, 2012

Make Something Monday: Bookish Snowman Ornament

"I suppose it all started with the snow. You see, it was a very special kind of snow. A snow that made the happy happier, and the giddy even giddier. A snow that'd make a homecoming homier, and natural enemies, friends..." ~Romeo Muller, "Frosty the Snowman"

Hello, and welcome back to Make Something Monday!! =)  Thanks for stopping back by!

In light of the fact that the holiday season has officially kicked off, I've got a really fun craft tutorial today: a Bookish Snowman Ornament. =)  These adorable little guys are very fun to do, pretty easy, and will compliment anybody's Holiday collection.

SO let's get started...

First, the supplies needed are:
  • a round ornament- paper mache or glass (I am using a glass globe here.)
  • old book pages
  • Mod Podge, and an applicator
  • hole punch
  • black scrap paper or cardstock
  • paintbrush
  • acrylic paint in orange, brown, and pink
  • hot glue gun and glue stick

Step One: 
Tear pages from an old book.  Use something you have lying around that you haven't read in a while, or visit a ReStore and pick up a few used books, while helping a worthy cause! =)  [I did just that, and used a copy of "The Angel on the Roof" by Russell Banks that I got at my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore.] 

Now, tear those pages into small pieces, enough to cover the ornament (or ornaments, if you are doing more than one).  The smaller the pieces, the smoother the look of the finished product.  I ripped mine into varying sizes of strips...

Step Two:
Begin applying strips of paper to your ornament by coating areas of the surface with Mod Podge and affixing the paper around the surface...

Repeat this step until your entire ornament is covered by the paper...

At this point, it should look like this...



Step Three:
Now it's time for a carrot top nose...

Cut a 2-2 1/2" square piece from a book page.

Roll this piece into the shape of a cone.  [If you find you have a difficult time getting it started, use the aid of a pencil to start the curling of the paper. =)  Does the trick every time! ;) ]

Roll the cone fairly tight, and dab a bit of Mod Podge on the outside edge to keep it from unraveling on you.  

Now your snowman has a nose. =)

Heat up your glue gun, and glue your nose to your snowman's face, somewhere in the center region of the side you have deemed the snowman's face. =)  
I found that: 

  • (a) a little bit of Mod Podge at this step as well, setting the nose where I wanted it to be, saved me a bit of a headache while operating the glue gun, and 
  • (b) the nose turning ever-so-slightly upward gave the cutest look. =0)
 Great! =) Your snowman is starting to come to life!

Step Four:
At this point, your carroty nose doesn't look very carroty, so let's paint it with our orange acrylic paint. =)

Step Five:
Your snowman looks a little funny right now, but I assure you, we are about to remedy that! ;)
With your hole punch (a standard size office type is just fine), punch out 8 pieces from your black cardstock.

These will serve as your "coal" for the eyes and mouth. 

I used Mod Podge to affix these pieces, and it worked great, but if you love your glue gun, have a go! =)

Isn't he already SO cute?? ;)

Step Six:
Now we are going to put just a little flush in this little guy's cheeks, because Baby, it's cold outside! ;oP
Use your pink acrylic paint, dilute it (I used white acrylic paint to lighten up the pink color I had), and lightly paint on a pair of "rosy" cheeks.  

Now be ginger here; I want you to think 'Audrey Hepburn', not 'Tammy Faye Baker', if you know what I mean! ;oP [heheeheh]

Okay, maybe a little 'Dolly Parton'... ;oP

Step Seven:
Now it's time to put the finishing touches on and "vintage-fy" [yes, I did just totally make up a word right there! ;oP] our cute little snowman, and give his look some depth.
Take the brown acrylic paint, dilute its color a bit, and gingerly brush the overall surface of your snowman...

Step Eight:
Pat yourself on the back: great job!  Isn't he just ADORABLE?!?! =oD  I love him- Don't you??

Seriously: SO cute!! =))

I love this little guy SO much, I think I am going to make him a few friends and take them to this weekend's craft show!!

 What do ya think... Would YOU take me home for Christmas?? =)

AAAwww~ SO much fun...
Did you make one? =) ... Did you make a family of them?? ;)  ...If you did, please let me know, and by all means, post a picture (either here, or over on the Flickr page- or BOTH! =oD )!

Thanks for stopping by!  ...Monday's are getting SO much more fun and inspirational, aren't they?!?  ...Stick around, and check back for more fun! =))

Until next time...
May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower]

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