
Beholden To None

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tithing Tuesday, 040913: #EndItMovement

Modern-Day Slavery Is Rampant

27 Million Men, Women, and Children are Affected Everyday

Today's Tithing Tuesday post is about an issue that many people believe was taken care of long ago, kid themselves about or turn a blind eye to, pretending it's not really a problem anymore~ or not their problem, at least. =/ 

The EndItMovement.

Yes. Slavery still exists.  But, in this day and age, do people generally understand what slavery even is?

Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property ~to be bought and sold~ and are forced to work, against their will, and in the worst of imaginable circumstances... Deprived of rights, dignity, and free will.  It is human trafficking, it is bonded labor and indentured servitude, it is forced labor in numerous industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, as well as prostitution and sexual exploitation.

Slavery has been around in many forms since the beginning of recorded time.  And it is time we grew enlightened enough as a species to END IT for good.

Here in the United States, slavery is generally thought about when reflecting back on the beginnings of our brand new nation, during the Civil War Era, and the efforts of President Abraham Lincoln and others in the Abolitionist Movement to abolish and outlaw slavery and slave trade in and with our country.  

In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declared that freedom from slavery is an internationally recognized human right, reading "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."

Even though slavery is now outlawed in all countries, there are more slaves around the world than at any other time in history.  27 Million men, women and children, in 161 countries worldwide~ INCLUDING The UNITED STATES~ trapped in less-than-human existences, in brothels, in factories, in fields, and in quarries around the world... All to make someone else more well off.  27 Million people.  That's basically the entire population of the New York City metropolitan area.  And that's obscene.  And it has to stop.

"As many as 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States annually. That’s nearly 48 people a day who have become slaves on the very same soil where it was abolished 150 years ago. And the average age of these people? 14 years old. Think about all the things you did when you were a teenager. Being sexually exploited probably isn’t one of them." [

So how can you help?  How can anyone help??

It all begins with you, and me, and our friends, and their friends, and their friends.  Look, you know in your heart that slavery~ in any form or fashion~ is fundamentally WRONG.  And so do I.  Never underestimate the power of two or more people united together in a common vision...

"It doesn't cost you anything to get involved. You can fight for the release of those who cannot fight for themselves by taking up the cause and making people aware. You can give money, if you like, or energy or tirelessness. You can go fight through social media, through local or national government, or through the alarm bell of awareness. You can shine a light on slavery. You can END IT." []

Check out the #EndItMovement website... There is lots of information and resources to educate and arm yourself with.  There are tools and help on how you can spread the word and raise awareness.  You can donate there, if you're interested in doing that.  You can learn about the movement's coalition partners, all organizations working on attacking the problem from different angles, with real-world solutions- and how you can use your spending habits as a form of protest.  Also, you can visit the EndIt Shop and check out the merch that they have available, with all proceeds from the purchase of any product directly supporting the END IT Movement.

I pledged to Be In It to End It!  ...Will You Join Me??

Until next time... "X" : Shine A Light On Slavery

May your imagination light your way,
~xo~ StacyLynn a.k.a. AllAmrcnWldFlwr [Flower] 

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